Electronic Building Kits

Explore the world of electrons…

A set of functional solderless cooletx modules by Edutronix. Through simple circuits, build on a mini breadboard, you get aquainted with serious physical principles and the operational functions of electronic components.
Assembling them may challenge fine motor skills as well as the art of handling disappointment,  but the sense of accomplishment when all finally goes well is definitely worth it!

Enough talk, here come the goods…


This circuit allows for reducing the rotation speed of a DCmotor, without losing unused energy.
Unused energy is not converted into heat.

It is divided into a series of pulses – waves – reducing the total amount of current the circuit requires. Works at 6Vdc, battery holder for 4 AA batteries is included, the batteries are not.

cooletx01  per set:9.95

 This circuit enables you to change the direction of electricity flowing through a motor, and as a result changing the rotational direction of the motor. The circuit can be used either stand alone, or combined with another electronic circuit.
The circuit requires 12Vdc, either from an 12V ac/dc converter, or a large batterie, not included.

cooletx03 per set: €9.95


A small circuit with two infra red LEDs creates a short range distance sensor.
A receiver LED sees light emitted by a transmitter LED as it bounces back from a nearby object.
The amount of light received reflects the distance to the object.  Operates with  3Vdc, batteryholder for 2 AA’s included, batteries are not.

cooletx07 per set:6.95

The AtariPunkConsole is a popular circuit for a stepped synthesizer.
Two adjustable resistors, or potentiometers, enable you to produce a sheer endless
range of gameconsole sounds.
Runs comfortably on a 9Vdc battery, not included.

cooletx04 per set:12.50



A small universal amplifier – 250mW/8Ohm – for weak audio signals.
The Push-Pull construction results in a uniform amplification of the audio signal, with low energy consumption.
Runs comfortably on a 9Vdc battery, not included.

cooletx05 per set:9.95



Universal timer based on a simple proven design and broadly applicable.
Its Adjustable duration and accessible trigger construction make it easy to combine with other circuits, such as an Arduino.

cooletx06 per set:6.95

De eerste stap in de wereld van golven en blokgolven: De Oscilator.
Opgebouwd uit discrete componenten – geen chips – tempo van leds individueel instelbaar. Runs comfortably on a 9Vdc battery, not included.

cooletx08 per set:6.95

We are the Alphabet…

Discover the beauty of language with our Alphabetbooks…

Our books approach the alphabet from different angles, in order to accommodate children of all ages and characters.

Discover the fun adventures of handwriting with our new series of richly illustrated Calligraphy books! 
Explore a score of subjects in multiple languages with our upcoming series of Themebooks.
Free downloads available!
In addition to the alphabet books, we have a series of books organized by the learning sequence of toddlers, rather than the regular alphabetical order.
Free downloads available!


Vowels – the first steps

Vowels – the first steps
In addition to the alphabet books, we have a series of books organized by learning sequence of toddlers, rather than the regular alphabetical order.

The first book of this series covers the vowels, the first characters we are able to absorb.

Since these worrying days leave many of us with a lot of spare time to fill, in a small amount of space, we provide print quality pdf-files of the seperate characters.

vowels a
vowels e
vowels i
vowels o
vowels u

Creative Sessions

Come And Play on our Open Day in Het Koorenhuis in The Hague!

We invite you and your family to try out our Creative Workshops for children from 1 to 101 years old. On Saturday, March 14. we will demonstrate various activities and materials.

Build your own toys out of around the house materials and newly gained technical skills.
Discover the fun adventures of handwriting with our new series of richly illustrated Calligraphy books! 
Explore a score of subjects in multiple languages with our upcoming series of Themebooks.


Reserve this date:
Saturday, 14 of March, 2020
from 12:30 to 15:00

In het Koorenhuis

Prinsegracht 27
2512 EW  Den Haag

Entrance Fee


Theme books

Coming soon: Theme books
A new and ever expanding set of theme books illustrates the world around us.
Starting with a scenic overview of a theme, followed by an introduction of the actors in five languages – English, Spanish, Dutch, German and French – the themes will provide a nice set of coloring books on the side.

Titles currently planned in this category:

Since these worrying days leave many of us with a lot of spare time to fill, in a small amount of space, we provide print quality pdf-files of the seperate cover drawings.


I know a man who knew a world without plastic

I Know a Man who Knew a World Without Plastic

Learning how a plastic soup grows in our oceans, how virtually all living creatures eat plastic on a daily basis, it is hard to believe the first plastic grocery bag was introduced in the US in 1979.
Half a lifetime ago. It is difficult nót to know, or be, someone that knows a world without plastic.

Yet most people – while recognizing the problem – consider the plastic soup we brewed, if not irreversible, too big to solve individually. Many companies believe they will lose a competative edge if they package their products in less pretty or more expensive biodegradable materials.

So nothing happens. Everyone waits untill someone else solves the problem. A bit silly, because everybody is that someone. We are the only ones that cán solve the problem, as we created it.
It took a mere 40 years.

Academy Zahara organizes workshops to find a way to make that happen.

Feel at Home 2018

Another action packed day at the Feel at Home in The Hague in 2018.

Robot mechanics

Spinning car

Generated by Facebook Photo Fetcher 2